MARIANA PACHIS is coming to the 2016 Fire Edition of POS
Sa-i (re)cunoastem pe artistii invitati la Puppets Occupy Street Festival - Fire Edition 2016! Step by step, every day!
MARIANA PACHIS / Art Manager Pakiss Brand / Romania

She raised at the rank of art the shows in which she tells stories, ideas, messages through modeling in the sand. Stage designer, passionate of directing, creator of trophies, she made radio and TV shows and she signed scenography, exhibitions - performances in the country and abroad. In the Water Edition of Puppets Occupy Street Festival has brought scenography which determines the play, in the workshop Water stage and play and School of sand Art with Sand Art Show, creating in the sand the story of the performance Fluid Fire which closed the last edition.
This year she is back with two new performances: Fire of love in the sand art (the longing for parents, the fire of the children left behind in the country), Sand and Firebird (creation bird that lights up the imagination and make to shine a whole world), with a collection of new creations, but also with the workshops about sand art and what are the advantages of the cartoon in the sand as a telescopic form of thinking.
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