AMARO DEL is performing at Puppets Occupy Street Festival - Fire Edition 2016
Sa-i (re)cunoastem pe artistii invitati la Puppets Occupy Street Festival - Fire Edition 2016! Step by step, every day!
AMARO DEL / Serbia
Concert extraordinar, în ediţia de foc a Festivalului Puppets Occupy Street!

Încă de la începuturi, trupa a ales că culeagă și să interpreteze muzica tradițională a formațiilor țigănești din diferite colțuri ale lumii. Promovează piese din Serbia, Ungaria, Rusia, România, Franța, Polonia, Moldova, India, Azerbaidjan, dar si muzică populară românească. (foto: arhiva personală)
Extraordinary concert, in Puppets Occupy Street Festival – Fire Edition 2016!
Amaro Del, the famous band, founded in 1988, in Belgrade, Serbia, honors our invitation and "put the audience on fire" with Gypsy traditional music!
The name Amaro Del comes from Gypsy language and it means “our Lord”. The word “del” also means “paradise”, “heavens” and “universe” and it originates in the ancient Inidan word “deva”, which was used to express goodness and altruism. Members: Branislav Spasojević, founder, leader and singer; Milena Božović, contrabassist, singer; Darko Žeželj, guitar player, back vocal; Marko Milovanović, guitar player, back vocal; Milosh Shikman, percussion, back vocal. At the very start the members of the Amaro Del chose to collect and perform the traditional music of Gypsy troupes from various parts of the world (Serbia, Hungary, Russia, Romania, France, Poland, Moldavia, India, Azerbaijan but also Romanian folk songs).
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